What's wrong with my chicken?


6 Years
May 23, 2013
I have three hens (down from 5, thanks to a nasty raccoon attack a few months ago. Man's best friend has since fixed that problem). The hens are all just over 2 years old, have always been healthy and great layers.

One of the hens started to seem sick a few days ago.


- Lethargic. She's not moving around much, spends most of her time under the coop or under the hedge, just sitting.
- Fat. She seems bigger than the other two, especially around her butt and her back. When she is sitting, she seems to be puffing up her back feathers.
- Doesn't seem to be eating or drinking as much as the others. Although she has constant access to multiple water sources and the usual 16% layer pellets and our daily food scraps.
- Doesn't seem to be laying. I can't say for sure, but I haven't seen her in the nesting boxes at all in the past 3-4 days and there hasnt been any eggs where she has been spending her time sitting. I could do some work to separate her from the other two if need be.
- Real messy around her vent. She's real messy with poop all around her vent, but the vent doesn't seem to be swollen. I even put on the doctors gloves yesterday and felt around and there doesn't seem to be a blockage. Her poop does seem runny and white.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. It has been much hotter than normal here the past couple weeks, but not crazy, mid to high 80's. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will answer promptly


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