Whats wrong with my duck??


7 Years
Dec 10, 2012
Pryor, OK
I have a Pekin duck and he is about 8 weeks old still being kept in the house in the brooder. When I reach down to refill his food and water he shoves himself into the corner and acts scared of me! He has no health problems that I know of and he is fine otherwise. How can I fix this issue?
1 - Is he by himself? If so, he'd benefit from a friend.
2 - you are big, he is little. It is scary to have some big giant monster reach into your house from above. I try to keep my brooders up so I'm more at their level and it is just a giant head they see, not somebody hovering over them. Spend time with him. Use peas and other treats.
How is he with you outside of the brooder?
Yes, he is by himself but I have him out with me often and he acts just fine outside of the brooder.
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try putting the brooder a little higher! :)
1 - Is he by himself? If so, he'd benefit from a friend.
2 - you are big, he is little. It is scary to have some big giant monster reach into your house from above. I try to keep my brooders up so I'm more at their level and it is just a giant head they see

Giant head image that I'm still giggling about aside, I think both of these are right. Most fowl are social but it seems like waterfowl are even moreso. Without a friend he might be prone to be more edgy.

But the height thing is huge. I found that even my friendly ducks are so much more likely to let me touch them (and seem to actually enjoy it) when they're at my eye level or above. My friendliest scovy duck, who LOVES me, will dodge away from me if I try to touch her on the ground. But I can pet, and scratch under and around her feathers for a very long time if she's on top of the chicken coop (about 6 inches above my eyes) and she leans into it.

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