whats wrong with my rooster

Billys chickens

In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
i have a rooster that on the base of the featrhers where it meets the skin it is a red dot all on his thighs also around his vent it it red what could it be??
If he has no parasites and is in apparent good health, it is probably an indication of high testosterone levels. Very frequently the legs will also show reddening.
some of them did have lice and it started to spread so when i caught it i cleaned all the coops out scrubed them with hot water soap and bleach got all the cracks made them look new i didnt put any hay in the coops for 2 weeks i also have been bathing all my chicken with dawn and after they are dry i would dust them with DE earth and i also treated the pens and yard with lime dust they were gettin better except for my roosters that have the redness around there vents and one has the redness at the base of his feathers what do you think????
DE won't get rid of lice or mites if you have an infestation. They lay eggs that hatch every 10 days, so you will need to dust them with Permethrin garden dust or use Sevin dust. Then re-treat the coop. Spraying the coop with permethrin also helps.
thank you so much i looked up online that de earth kills lice and mites so i have been using that for about a month and a half which would you say would work better i used sevin dust before but i dusted them every other week saw no signs of improvement so i did research and thats when i saw the de earth and to bathe them in dawn and that kills the eggs i just want them to be back to normal again because they are loosing there feathers from the lice

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