What's wrong with this hen?

Fanny's Mom

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
This particular hen has been acting "funny" for a while. . .just a general malaise. For a while she wasn't going to the upper perches with the rest of the girls when it's bedtime. . .she was staying on the lower perch with the rooster. After a while, she resumed joining the ladies on the upper perches. Last night, she stayed in a laying box which is directly on the floor and tonight when I went out to close them up, she wasn't even in the coop with the rest, but rather under the coop. The area under the coop isn't readily accessible, and when I tried to herd her out with a stick, I literally had to push her out from under the coop. I'd put the stick under her butt, she'd walk a few steps and stop, and I would have to prod her again. Once out from under, she went up the ramp under her own steam without anymore prodding. No limping or dizziness; she just moved very slowly. Once inside, she went into a laying box. I picked her up and looked her over. Her nose and mouth are clear, no growths on her tongue or anywhere on her body. Her eyes are clear and her comb is red. No facial swelling. Her feathers look healthy. Her crop is not enlarged and I feel no egg inside her belly. Her belly, however, does seem a little thin, like she hasn't been eating. I haven't taken notice of her droppings so I can't say anything there, but her vent is clean. This has been going on for a week or ten days and I see no symptoms in the 8 other hens or the rooster.

Any ideas?
When she walks, does she waddle at all like a penguin? Is the area near her vent swollen at all? Also, how old is she?

If none of those symptoms are present, my first guess is that she has worms. I would purchase a broad-spectrum wormer (good choices include Valbazen, SafeGuard, and the Worminator), and treat her. Don't get Wazine or Ivermectin, as they only work on certain types of worms. You can find most of those wormers at a livestock supply store, and you can order the Worminator (which is what I use, by the way) online from here: http://www.twincitypoultrysupplies.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=584

I would also definitely isolate her away from the other birds, not only to prevent her from possibly transmitting disease, but also to reduce her stress-level. Keep her in a warm, clean place, and don't handle her too much. Make sure she eats and drinks; perhaps put some vitamins/electrolytes in her water, and give her some treats to encourage her to eat.
Found her dead at the door when I opened them up this morning. I should've isolated her last night, but wasn't thinking straight. Like I said, there is no swelling anywhere, her comb color was good, no waddle when she walked. . .no more than usual, that is (I love the way chickens waddle. . .especially when they come running to meet me!). This one really puzzled me. She was at her "swimming pool" yesterday and I thought all was going well. I would run her body up to the lab in Raleigh to find out what she died of, but it's a 3 hr trip minimum and it's a very rainy holiday. . .don't want to chance the roads (Murphy's Law). The other hens and the rooster seem fine. I will have to keep a close watch. . .and get to the store for a wormer. Thanks for trying to help.

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