What's your biggest pet peeve?

It's been a week or two since I've posted my latest pet peeves, but today someone just rubbed me the wrong way...

I'm barely able to open the door - both hands full, and then some blabber mouth cell phone junkie walks by me while I'm trying to juggle my stuff and not rudely shut the door on her... I didn't even get so much as a thank you or nod or anything. Like I was put on this Earth to hold the door open for her.

I know two negatives doesn't equal a positive, but if I run into her again I'm letting the door hit her where the good Lord split her.

So on that note...

People with no manners! This includes pedestrians who think they own the road and don't have to be cautious and look both ways first... and hey, how's about a wave of thanks for me stopping to let you cross.


Ok, I think I'm a little better now.
My absolute #1 pet peeve is seeing kids not properly strapped in to a car seat or seat belt if age appropriate. I also got into a fight with my step SIL because she drives my van everyday to pick the kids up from school and lets her daughter who is 8 yrs old sit in the front seat with an airbag that doesn't have a shut off. She also smokes like a chimney around her in the car and their house but wouldn't give the kid a sip of pepto bismol because it has aspirin in it.
Can you tell the woman makes me insane? I also don't like pg women who smoke while pg. I worked for 2 ob/gyn offices for a long time and that was one of my big peeves....
PS she also had the nerve to smoke in my van even though neither I nor Dh smoke. She did this while picking up our kids from school. Needless to say she doesn't do this anymore.
Maybe my step SIL is my biggest pet peeve....
I have a million, but my biggest pet peeve is people who pee and moan about politics but don't vote!!!

Oh... and also people who say that people shouldn't wear fur because it's "cruel".
I like to do this to Jordalicious simply to irritate him. It makes for fun times. His tone of voice in reacting makes me giggle.

Don't talk to me in person, then.
"Eerawk" just sounds weird.

List my pet peeves? Y'all don't have the time, I promise you.

Kimbolicious, no matter how often it happens, it still drives me insane.

Jordalicious, you know I do it b'cause I lovers you!
My biggest pet peeve is people who chew loudly. I HATE it. Lol. I go nuts, especially when people eat chips or chomp on gum with their mouth open.

OH, and I can't stand people talking or whipping out their cell phone in the movie theater. What I want to do ~~~>
I don't know what it is about Home Depot, but I've lost track of the number of times that some other shopper has unloaded my shopping AND MY PERSONAL STUFF, like my jacket AND SHOPPING LIST from the cart, while my back was turned, to put their own stuff in it. "Oh, I thought the clerk was using it to restock the shelves" is the usual excuse. Give me a break. Go to the lot like everyone else to get your cart, and don't think I'm dumb enough to believe your dumb excuse.

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