What's Your Favourite Poultry Breed And Why?

Ko Shamo :) I love their personalities and their looks. Though their looks tend to be hit or miss with people, haha. They have the best personalities, very outgoing and tame with humans.
Do you have any problems with their Aggressiveness. From what I have read they are very nice to people and mean to each other.

Oh, they're game, so yep, they're not super good with each other. Males shouldn't be housed together. I usually keep them in pairs or trios.
Ok, Thanks. As for my Favorite breed their are two many to chose from but of the ones I have had I really like Easter Eggers. I know that they are not a breed but mine are some of the most hardy birds that easily give me five eggs a week in the summer.
I love Hedemoras! They're really cold hardy weather they're silkie feathered or smooth. They are also quite docile as well and are really sweet!
I'm torn between two. Actual breed would be Australian/British standard Araucanas. Great foragers, don't mind my crazy summers, good temperament from what I have experienced and the wonderful blue eggs.
The other is my ISA browns or as I like to call them, my feathered puppies

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