What's your least favorite breed?


I also found nothing wrong with my Exhibition Leghorns when I had them. I thought they were very neat chickens. Loved the colors especially Silver.
While I disagree with a few generalizations about hatchery stock (i.e. I think a few hatcheries do in fact have some decent lines of *some* breeds) I think overall this is a well written post with some excellent points...points most of us fail to consider. Thanks!
My least favorite chicken has to be the showgirls and the turkens.

I think God created them to remind us about His wonderful sense of humor. (I think that was His thinking behind the creation of the duckbilled platypus, too… if you EVER think the Lord doesn't have a sense of humor, just check out THAT bizarre little creature....)
I think your roos were mean.
Of the dozen silkie roosters I've lived with till they reached adulthood, two were somewhat mean, six were friendly but loud, and the other four were & are sweet and good-mannered and not loud or high-strung.
The personalities of a breed can very greatly withing the breed, and I'm sorry you didn't have good experiences with the silkies.
I've had bad experiences with the other breeds your mentioned as high-strung (Mediterranean) or aggressive (Ameraucanas).
I think your roos were mean.
Of the dozen silkie roosters I've lived with till they reached adulthood, two were somewhat mean, six were friendly but loud, and the other four were & are sweet and good-mannered and not loud or high-strung.
The personalities of a breed can very greatly withing the breed, and I'm sorry you didn't have good experiences with the silkies.
I've had bad experiences with the other breeds your mentioned as high-strung (Mediterranean) or aggressive (Ameraucanas).

I had 3 different silkie roos. Both completely different blood lines and families all were mean and protective. (I didn't have them at the same time. I switched roosters once in a while.
I have 1 Silkie roo that I consider dangerous. He is not long for this world. I then have 2 others that are just as sweet as the little hens. They like to sit on my feet.
As far as my least favorite? I don't like anything that's real flighty. I like chickens that like people.
I don't like my Ameraucana either. She's flighty and pretty aggressive with the other hens. I don't have a lot of experience but I REALLY don't like HER at all. Pretty sure the feeling is mutual. Plus, she's pretty clumsy and dumb. She literally falls out of the coop every morning because she can't figure out the ramp.
I love all breeds I ve had so far but I think I could get along with any breed. I dont want to raise meat birds though I like my chickens to much to eat them. Remember dont judge a breed by a single bird
I thought that I should add-

Fighting chickens.

No matter what you hear on the evening news when the law takes down a cock fighting violation these birds are not "so ferocious they had to be euthanized" to protect the public. Certainly these birds cannot be put together as one big happy family at the shelter but they are not "man fighters." Fact is that most shelters have no way to take care of many more male chickens because they are usually over populated with male chickens to begin with.

In the fighting chicken world a man mean bird is very hazardous. They are bred to use spurs effectively and should one of them, armed with knives, blades or gaffs, become a man fighter he is so dangerous to handle that he would be culled immediately.

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