What's your least favorite breed?

Well said, Wyandottes are my favs, but American Games run a close second

I really do not like sex-links
What don't I like? Silkie's and mostly anything fluffy I'm not that big on. But that's just me, I know plenty of people like them but dislike my birds. Not a problem, just not real big on "fluff" I guess.
I have quite a few different hatchery stock birds, and I like all of them, but each type has its own personalities which make some better liked than others.

I have two cornish X's, a roo and poult. They are intended for the dinner table soon. Should have already put them in the pot, but they are still getting around very well despite their size. But they are very bold about knocking the other chickens out of the way and come to me with a DEMANDING attitude. Remind me of two gangsters. "Give us some extra food or we'll poop on your shoe."

The Ameracanas will come within a few feet, but forget trying to get your hands on one. The commercial blacks are the same way. The barred rocks and white rock hens are fairly friendly, and one BR rooster has gotten to where he will eat out of my hand and I can pick him up sometimes without ruffling his feathers. The golden comets are by far the least afraid and most friendly. Those dudes, roosters and hens, will jump up in my lap and crawl all over me. I have several white leghorns, and though they are a little skittish, if I do get my hands on one of them and hold it for a minute, it will stay around my feet and let me pet it. Until next time, and I have to go through the process again. Ha!

I also have what were labeled as Australorps at TSC, but are now evidently NOT. Might be a bit of Australorp in them, but they have brown spots all over them with some having other dabs of color mixed in. I'm thinking they have Ameracana in them. They come close, but will run at the first hint of my movements toward them. One of the roosters is fairly inquisitive and puts up with some petting, but as a rule they are skittish.

But the ones I like the least would be the production reds. They were easily handled and friendly as chicks, but now that they are getting older they are very aggressive when feeding them. Most of my chickens can be fed by hand, but those things would take a hunk of skin off you if they could. I can still pick some of them up, but they don't like it. Talk about getting the stink eye. And they GROWL! They get aggravated quicker than any of the other breeds and harass the younger chickens more than the others do. I figure they will get even meaner as they age. But I want them for egg production, not for being nice.
I agree about the production reds. I have a RIR and she is the most skittish chick I've ever seen. She, too, growls when I hold her in my lap.lol
I gots a new least fav breed
Cornish Broilers. Just fat and lazy they don't even move. So my top least fav breeds are.....

Silkie Roosters
Cornish Broilers

I happen to love my RIRs, too...they are all very sweet and super smart. Maybe it's the particular line of RIRs that I have (they are just hatchery hens) but they're wonderful. That said, my Buff Orpingtons are pure love in a blonde package, the embodiment of sunshine!
They are the kindest, sweetest, friendliest girls imaginable. My Speckled Sussex are equally sweet, as are my EEs. I'm fortunate to have kind girls. I do avoid breeds that are flighty and known to be argumentative, though.

I just started and have an Australorp, 2 Araucanas, 1 BO, 1 RIR, 1 GLW, and 1 Speckled Sussex and by far my BO and Sussex are the sweetest girls. The Sussex (Nugget) always greets me and wants me to pick her up and I loved the description of the BO as pure love in a blonde package. I have heard such great things about all of the types I bought but my Australorp is my least favorite for now. She's just very pushy and has no real use for me at all. We will see though. I do love them all for their own little selves.
Thanks for your posts Neil, very informative and I would have to say spot on with being the truth also. And Al I knew exactly what you were talking about and agreed with your post...

First thing I want to say is about all of the comments towards Naked Necks/Turkens. I have raised some of these in the past and will have to say that in spite of their appearance they are exceptional chickens. They laid very well for large chickens and you may not like the naked necks but when it comes to dressing some of them...their feathers or lack there of make them SOOO much easier to dress! No they arent that pretty but to me they may be one of the best true dual-purpose breeds.

As for my personal preference of what I dislike. I dislike mongrel chickens, so Easter eggers would be on the top of the list(yes I know there are many who love them). I dislike all production reds, etc......they serve a purpose but just not a fan. I dont like silkies for sure....just seem pointless to me.
I dont like hatchery wyandottes either and I have raised alot of them.....extremely aggressive and dont look much like a wyandotte in my opinion either......

I am going to back up Neil about the show quality Mediterraneans. they are big, beautiful, docile chickens.......I have some large Black Minorcas growing out and they arent skittish at all...

oh yeah...forgot one last thing.....I have an pretty strong dislike for all waterfowl...ducks, geese whatever.....such a noisy pain in the butt haha...
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I have to say that I really don't like polish and especially the roo's. Had a roo that was completely nuts, he attacked everything including his hens, crowed frantically all day and ran non stop!!! He didn't last long before he became soup! Had a few really mean and aggressive bantam cochin roos - and one lovely one that would brood chicks from time to time .... so I'm careful with those! REALLY don't like how frizzles look - look like they need a bath and brushing! I don't like the flighty breeds - just don't like birds flying up in my face and being so very unpredictable especially with having kids around. Any aggressive bird goes into the pot no matter what the breed or size or how pretty they may be! We had a BO hen that could take your finger off if you got too close and a roo that was out to make me his dinner... but they were hatchery ones and looked like they had slipped in some leghorn or something like that - it wasn't a good combination

I find it so interesting how different people are and how completely opposite some of us are. Good thing we all like different birds or some of them would have been extinct a long time ago huh!
I never have cared for any birds that aren't clean legged and until someone comes up with a method to teach silkies how to dust the furniture without leaving little "presents" behind, I don't think they serve any real purpose either. On second thought I guess they do invoke laughter.

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