What's your least favorite breed?

I agree! I love my Polish, she is sweet and loves being held. She is always the first one to try something new and is friendly to the other birds. What's wrong with them? I love silkies and frizzles and do not mind Turkens (I see one frequently at the nature center where I volunteer but have not had any contact with it because of its agressive rooster companion). I also agree with the others before me in that my least favorite kind of chicken is an agressive chicken.
our silver spangled hamburg is impossible to keep in the pen - she won't roost with the other chickens either and roosts HIGH in the trees at night - she is very pretty but doesn't look like a chicken (if you know what I mean) she looks more like a bird than a traditional chicken - I wonder if she will change when she starts to lay. I did order her as a female from McMurray but I guess she could be a boy? So she is my least favorite chicken right now.
Oh, and I just remembered. I'm not a fan of the Asils and Thailand game fowl (hope my spelling is okay) or anything with the long stocky legs ratty feathers and evil face. With modern games it's different and kinda funny looking but with the larger breeds it's just plain ugly.
There is one breed that I have said for years that no one could PAY me to tak and that is another Golden Laced Wyandotte! 2 of my very first chicks were GLWs and they were both nuttier than the other. One had firey reddish orange eyes and the other had pus green eyes and they were noisy and nutty and the firey eyed one flew off the roosting bars and crashed into my face one morning and ripped my cheek below my eye, just barely missing my eye! I can not imagine being blinded by a chicken but it was SO close that morning. Not only that they were very noisy birds all the time too.

I know there is always a pecking order but I can't stand any chicken who goes out of her way to attack other chickens when treats are being doled out to the point that she also misses out just trying to make sure the 'lesser' chickens don't get any! Unfortunately I can't remember which breed was doing that but when I do, I will edit this post and put the breed.

Mostly the one breed I know I will never own again is any version of a wyandotte!
Well, they make good setting hens and broodies, and the Chinese consider them not only a delicacy, but medicinal. They are cuddly, which makes them popular with people who keep chickens as pets.
Interesting post, especially since the reason that the "industrial" Barred Rocks, California Whites, and California Grays were so popular was not only their high production for the era - but the temperament that made them safer and easier to work around. The modern Black Star and Black Sex Link tend to be much calmer and friendlier than other Brown Egg hybrids. I find them very comfortable to work with.

Exhibition chickens tend to be a bit aggressive because it leads to alertness and confidence in the show arena. Unfortunately, exhibition chickens aren't bred for production qualities and so they aren't always useful on the home place except for pretty - which in itself can be a good reason to keep them.

Anyhoo, I'll be a meanie and suggest that if an artist were to design a chicken it would look like a Malay or a Sumatra. The one is terrible in its power, the other is made beautiful from its strength.

But then again, as a kid I was *really* into dinosaurs.....

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