What's your Rare Username?

When we got our hens, the minimum we could order was 10. We wanted 6, so we decided that a couple might pass in shipping and we could settle for 8.
Not only did all the hens survive in shipping, but they gave us 2 extras! So we ended up with double the amount that we originally wanted :gig

Now we have 11. We loved you, Ethel.
Enjoy that number, that is perfect! When you get to 80.. it's a bit of a problem. Yes.. I have like 80 chickens... I blame my incubator for this. Hence why I hid it from myself. :oops:
I'm not very good at coming up with creative user-names. Usually I just use some form of my name or initials. Here, I'm TwoShepherds after my two German Shepherds.
Awesome! I have a German Shepherd Too! Last year, He was attacked by a Pit Bull.

So, I was walking down the street a few streets away from my house, and I was walking My German shepherd, and I heard the dog climb the fence because of his nails, And this was a SIX FOOT PRIVACY FENCE. not even a chain-link fence. It runs across the street, and
Immediately goes for his neck. My dog was wearing a metal collar, so it was harder for him to get to his neck. But right when the Pit ran across the street a man came out of his house, specifically, the one that was facing the sidewalk the whole thing was happening, He helped me get the two dogs loose. My dog won the fight, leaving the pit with a tear from his mouth to his cheek. We walked home, and I got on my computer, and went on Google Street View. I found the address and called the humane society on it, I mean, who would let their dog do that? like, c'mon. And a month later another persons shepherd got out, no fight this time, they came out and got their dog, and said the SAME pit bull attacked their shepherd. I'm not sure if it got taken away or not, but I hope it did.

Long story short:
My dog got attacked by a pit bull, my dog won, and I called the humane society on it, later to find out that someone else's shepherd got attacked by it.
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Ughh, I'm glad your GSD was okay. Loose dogs are the worst. We live out in the country and lots of people just let their dogs run loose. I don't walk on our road anymore because we have small kids now, and the cars come by too fast. Before the kids, the dogs and I used to walk for miles along the back roads. I always carried pepper spray just in case we encountered aggressive dogs. Luckily we only met friendly farm dogs or skittish dogs that ran away when I stomped my feet and yelled.

I hope the owners finally got congrol of the aggressive pit in your neighborhood.
I just sort of thought of mine....lol.
"cluckmecoop7" was not taken, and its actually a pretty weird name.

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