Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

SEND HIM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't ever seen a photo of a Splash Wheatens male...................my gosh he is gorgeous!!!!!
I want Splash Wheatens now!!!!!
I might be missing something here, where does splash wheaten come into play. Is this a new variety or what? I seen a male like this on the French site and they called it ERMINE or something. Looks a lot like a red Pyle. I fail to see any kind of Splash here.
Looks a lot like a red Pyle. I fail to see any kind of Splash here.
Splash wheaten birds look like Red Pyle. when you breed two blue wheatens you will end up with many splash wheaten birds.. if you breed a splash wheaten bird to a normal wheaten bird you will produce 100% blue wheatens..

Blue wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh Bl/bl+(only one copy of the blue gene)
Splash wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh Bl/Bl(two copies of the blue gene)
wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh bl+/bl+(no copies of the blue gene)
Splash wheaten birds look like Red Pyle. when you breed two blue wheatens you will end up with many splash wheaten birds.. if you breed a splash wheaten bird to a normal wheaten bird you will produce 100% blue wheatens..

Blue wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh Bl/bl+(only one copy of the blue gene)
Splash wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh Bl/Bl(two copies of the blue gene)
wheaten genotype is eWh/eWh bl+/bl+(no copies of the blue gene)
What would a splash Blue Copper or a Silver Blue male look like color wise. Thanks
I just love the looks of that bird and if I can get my hands on some Blue Wheatens....I am going to make some Splash Wheatens.
Getting some nice regular Wheatens that lay beautiful eggs from my bestfriend won't be hard, but finding some good quality Blue Wheatens might be a small adventure, but after seeing that bird, I think it is one that I would like to try.

Don you know me and how I just LOOOOVVVEEEE those blue birds. I'm the type of person that thinks that all chickens should be blue. Call me crazy! :D
Hi! I do not have Wheatens and never have.....well I take that back, I hatched out 2 batches of some Wheaten hatching eggs for my bestfriend about 3 years ago for her as she was afraid to hatch them. I gave all the chicks to her when they hatched from the first batch. The second batch only 1 hatched and of course it was a rooster, I raised him for about 3-4 months with one of my hatches so she didn't have a lonely chick to raise. It was very educational for me to watch that Wheaten cockerel grow out and compare the differences between my Coppers and him. I learned alot.

I will however someday....have a bird that looks like that Splash that was posted on the previous page. I think he is stunning!

I am on the search for some Blue Wheaten eggs.

knj~ Hi! Good to hear from you. Hope everything your way is going great!
Just an FYI.....Blue Wheatens do not come in a solid variety. I am however and always will be working on my Blue Coppers. :)
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Hi everybody! I just placed an order for these beautiful wheaten/blue wheaten chicks, but they won't be available for "a couple months" still... I want them so badly right now! So, I need some conversation going on with them right now... The hubbs just doesn't get it! Anyone out there, old pros, with info on them? I.e. common problems, temprament, anything! Also what can I expect in the selling department, I couldn't find hardly any breeders, and none at all in Oklahoma, I'd love to introduce them to this state lol... thanks!
That's why I picked this breed Beka. I found that there were lots of great chickens that people want eggs and chicks from, but locally people will gouge you on the price of anything even POL unless it's a marans. If it's all the same to me (and it basically is) than I might as well keep something people really are interested in for those times when I want to sell an extra. I get about 4-5 times the cost for marans than I do anything else I've tried to sell, and I don't think I ask for too much. Thanks Martha Stewart for making the dark eggs famous! This may not be the same in other areas..

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