Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

This bird came from one of the maran eggs I recieved with some BCM I bought all yhe eggs where of good color #6 can anyone tell me what kind it is ? Would like to breed him but unsure of whether I should breed him to a bkack blue or splash any ideas?

I need better pic
I need better pic
will post a new one in the morning ... Sorry it took me so long to get back its been a little crazy around here lately lol getting everyone ready for winter and culling the flocks .

Here are a few new pic's of the roo in question with of of the Poulets we hatched this year he turned 13 weeks 10/1



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They look lovely. Wish we had such nice Marans in Australia. Sure is green at your place. Looks like you would keep the mower busy.

Yea, I was going to ask how they keep grass! My chickens eat everything green! All my hostas are gone, the lower parts of any bush, and my grass! And I only have 20 chickens and 25 acres of land! Why do they have to eat everything aroung the house???? They free range and can go anywhere? Ugh!

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