Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Good morning, Marans peeps!

Don't forget to get your set of eggs shipped off today or at the latest, tomorrow, for the egg show the Marans Chicken Club is hosting at the Michigan Fowl Fancier's Fowl Fest this coming weekend! Ribbons, cash prizes for "fun" contests, and a small original "Marans inspired" painting are the prizes that will be given!

PM for more info. - a set includes 3 eggs; ship via priority mail, and I'll get them included in the egg show!

It's a GREAT way to see how your eggs compare to others, and show them off a bit!

Here is the flier that was done for the show:

October 12 – 13, 2013
Michigan Poultry Fanciers
Michigan Fowl Fest ~ Birch Run, Michigan

Marans Egg Show*

Ribbons awarded for Best of each variety & People’s Choice
Trophy: Best Overall

**JUST for FUN**

$20 Cash Prize to the winner of each contest below!!

The special contests below are all based on 3-egg sets,
just as with regular egg shows. All must be

Marans eggs (or Marans cross for first contest):

Prettiest “Olive-egger” eggs

Most Heavily Speckled

Smallest set (by weight - all 3 egg weights combined)

*Anyone can enter – you need not be an MCCUSA member to enter!
$5 entry fee for each set of 3 eggs entered (eggs will be destroyed
upon end of contest, unless we are otherwise instructed)

PM with any questions, and for more information and a PDF of the entry form.
Eggs must be received by Friday, October 11 (you may also submit them in person at the show no later than 10 a.m. Saturday).
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sorry I can't tell ya . For me I like pure breedings . If you like the colors breed him
Thanks berkeleysprings I have purebreeds both blue and black. I was hoping someone could tell me more about this roo though I know he possesses the blue code thats apparent in his coloring but don't know if he was mixed with a wheaten or what to come up with this color so curious to which color trait will take over guessing the blue if I breed to a black. Was hoping to learn something
I am curious about making some blue wheatens. I have been advised that it is better to cross in an all blue
bird and not a blue copper because it is hard to get copper out again once you have done that..

here's the thing. I have blue coppers that are not showing any copper and i am sure they never will show any
if I breed them forward.. i have been wondering if one of these would be useful in a project to make blue
wheatens? These blue coppers have black ear covers boys and girls.. I think they came from a cross between
an all black black copper hen that i have, and my blue copper roo...

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