Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Well, I've little to report on the Wheaten front. My Wheaten hens are moulting and haven't laid in what seems an eternity. Right when I repenned them in hopes of hatching wheaten chicks they decided to quit for the season. I really don't want to wait all the way 'til spring to hatch anything because I'm down to 4 wheaten females and just 1 wheaten male. Well, I take that back- I have one massive but poorly marked and crummy-combed Wheaten monster running around but he's not perpetuating himself anytime soon!
My Wheaten is also molting (badly) and stopped laying. I've been looking for some hatching eggs but can't find any. The one cockerel I was going to keep for breeding has some weird coloring and I'll probably end up having to cull him. Wheatens are very hard to find in my area, but I love them!
Snowbird posted some pictures of a 55 gallon plastic drum set up for housing individual birds. I can't seem to find them. Does anyone know what pae they're on or how search for them?
Well, I've little to report on the Wheaten front. My Wheaten hens are moulting and haven't laid in what seems an eternity. Right when I repenned them in hopes of hatching wheaten chicks they decided to quit for the season. I really don't want to wait all the way 'til spring to hatch anything because I'm down to 4 wheaten females and just 1 wheaten male. Well, I take that back- I have one massive but poorly marked and crummy-combed Wheaten monster running around but he's not perpetuating himself anytime soon!
I'm going through the same thing. No eggs in a loooong time.
I've got some 5 moth olds that should be laying soon but we will see.

Also, someone stole my Rooster I was saving to breed with this 3rd generation.

Anybody have a Wheaten Roo they want to sell me ?
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