Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

I am an officiall owner of a wheaton girl!!! yay!!! First wheatie!!! (it is from a BC line of super darkies)... I don't know much about the wheaties but I am learning!!!
One of the things I love about the Wheatens, besides their dark eggs of course, is that you can color sex them. I think 2 of mine are now laying with 4 more bringing up the rear....hopefully soon.....LOL
please dont leave me hanging , u know i am secerious about wheatens , how old is she and hows about a picture ? good thing its a hen , check her egg color and if i were u
breed her to a known dark egg rooster (pure line or established wheaten line ) hope her egg color carries threw to off spring . i hesitate to say , but i am getting some dark eggs now that my one and two year old wheties have gotten into full swing of egg laying ... i have 20 more eggs due tomarrow evening but to my surprize i havent seen a pip or shaking egg or chirping egg, who knows the power could of gone out with out me knowing and if i would only listen to WALT! and candeled the eggs i would know more still never exploded a egg yet in my hatching

any way , pictures please ?
ps i need spelling lessons
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Hey,all! Just finished all 80 pages of this thread. Whew! I have 4 wheaten pulleys and one roo. Will post pics tomorrow. The girls started laying about 2 months ago. I just set 13 eggs today in my bator!! My wheaten marans are my friendliest chickens of them all! Always the first to greet me! Thanks for all the great info on here.
Welcome Susanne,
So glad you are going to post pictures. We al like pictures especially Randy (BerkeleyS).
My Wheaten girls just started laying too & I was so surprised to see such large eggs for first time layers. My mossy BCM first eggs looked like toys but with good color.....LOL
Karen in California
hi ,, so nice of you to ask , day 22 is right and im sory to say its a total loss , the only thing i can think is we had a major power loss wile i was at work some time during incubation .thunder snow storms I am using a small incubator called a king suro. If power goes out it just resets it self and I wouldn’t know if power went out . the hatch I just did a few weeks back got 2 wheaten hens and 3 roo to add to my flock .last year I sold to many wheaten hens and kept to many roosters . this year will be different and il keep more hens . the king suro incubator only holds 20 marans eggs so its slow going . last year was the year to improve the rooster line

Randy, I have a King Suro 20 too and you're right, it's hard to mess it up! I have, however, put way more than 20 eggs in there sometimes! I actually have two of them and both are full of eggs right now. I have the flu and didn't feel like posting pictures, but I will tomorrow. I'm curious how these first 5 birds stack up. I think my roo has a little white on his chest.
My wheaten girls have started laying this past month, and Im starting to put some in the Genesis. I have 4 girls, 3 are laying a really nice dark egg, and one single girl is laying a very light egg....good sized, but color is very light. If I can catch the culprit, Ill stick her out in the free range pen and let her contribute to the eating egg sales. I really like these wheaten marans so very much. These girls are very pretty, and very tanky. My roo is nice, came from a nice dark egg, but Id like to see more bulk. Maybe I can hatch a roo next generation that is bulkier.

No pictures....my camera croaked, and a new one just aint in the budget right now.

edit: I lied, I did have a picture of him in my uploads.

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