Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Randy ~ I sure hope you didn't toss the eggs?? Day 22 is nothing! I've had chicks hatch at day 25, and Pink has had them hatch at day 26 or 27? If the power did go out, that will just slow down the process, but unless they froze, they very well may still hatch! I give all of mine till day 26 now.
Boy Randy, you got that right! I hatched a lone chick, a roo, and he was 5 weeks younger than the older birds, and 5 weeks older than the youngest clutch. He was like a chicken without a country, NO ONE liked him. Now that he's older (and meaner) he doesn't get picked on as much, but he is still low man on the totem pole. Even the youngest pullets will go after him. I think I'd rather have none hatch than to ever do a single again.
I sure hope the rest of your eggies get to crackin'! Good luck!!

As far as introducing them to the flock, I have a small coop within the main run, but fenced off. I leave the newcomers in there for about a month. The older birds can see them, so they kind of except the fact they are there. Then I made a small pen (covered) inside the main coop, and put the chicks in there for another month. They are now in the same coop with the big birds at night, but in the day go out to their little pen. After about a month, they are bigger, all big birds are used to seeing them in their coop, so with supervision, I turn the chicks loose with the big birds. There is always a flurry of spats, but I stand in there with them, and throw meal worms to them all. The act of actually eating together seems to clinch it, and they settle down after a bit. It is a long process, but unless you've got many pens, and I don't, then it's the only way to go that I can see...
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Would someone please show me the difference in photos of wheaten marans male and female
And blue wheaten male and female
I see the photos but not a female blue wheaten

So if one could put them all on one post I could clearly see the difference of all 4

Thank u so much

I have blue wheaten in my bator and haven't a clue what they are suppose to look like..lol
My little flock of Wheatens.... they are 29 weeks old.

My roo, Pierre

Sweet little hen #1

Another hen #2

Too red? #3

Hen #4

Pierre and one of the girls

It's a start!
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