Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

two of the hens from the test breerding seem to be way two dark its hard to see frim the picture but i will keep for a wile. also one of the roosters has alot of brown on stern or body feather. the few years iv watched roos molt feathers turn this color from viteman def or molting. all od my flock are molting and griwinf winter coat but only time wull tell with test breedung
trying to read your last post gave me a headache.


Thoughts on this guy? Triangle seems to be missing on him will it come in? I know he is much slower feathering out than the others were.
I would say pull (stretch) out his wing and have a look. Mine didn't seem to have them in pictures either, but when I stretch out the wings, I can see it on most of them. Hopefully mine (and yours!) get better as they grow and molt.

Thoughts on this guy? Triangle seems to be missing on him will it come in? I know he is much slower feathering out than the others were. 

coloration seems fine but it doesn't seem like he's grown his primary wing feathers so the cinnamon win triangle may come in. what caught my attention is if he truly is fearthering in slowly
keep him for dark eggs.hw will b good for carring the dark egg gene
Thanks. I'll take a look at his wing stretched out but yeah he does seem to not have his primaries yet so that could be it. Thanks Randy
Hi, I am new to marans, I hatched some a few months ago. I need to weed out some roosters, but I can't tell for sure what they are. I have blue copper, wheaton and black and want to keep one of each rooster. I will take some pictures tomarrow and post them on here. Does anyone know of a good website that would tell me exactly what to look for?
Hi, I am new to marans, I hatched some a few months ago. I need to weed out some roosters, but I can't tell for sure what they are. I have blue copper, wheaton and black and want to keep one of each rooster. I will take some pictures tomarrow and post them on here. Does anyone know of a good website that would tell me exactly what to look for?

im a one string banjo working only with wheaten and i know nada abour any outhers but post some pics please

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