Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

I just spent some time reading back through this thread and am feeling much more educated!! Thanks for all the helpful pics and posts... berkeley your pics you put up back during the summer were very helpful with the pics of the wing, etc... Will continue watching until I can find a good source for eggs and start posting pics of my own eggs!!
Are clean legged birds the standard out there? Mine are not, because they aren't the standard here, but to be honest I kind of wish they were. I'm just not one to buck the system, lol. If that's what folks expect it's what I'll breed. Still I don't particularly care for poopy or muddy feet feathers.
Yeah, messy foot feathers are a pain. The English yard their birds. Because of this they breed their Marans w/o the leg/foot feathers because they were a sanitation issue in yarded birds. The French, on the other hand, pasture their birds. Leg and foot feathering are not a problem when the birds are on grass or in the fields. So what we have here in the US is a clash of cultures. Wanting to breed to the historic French Standard, yet , yarding our birds like the English. Personally, I think one solution is to surface the runs and yard as if one had a white feathered breed. Using river sand and fine crushed limestone at leat 4 inches deep and raised above the level of the land surrounding the yard ( a 6in. high perimeter board keeps it from washing outside the run). This keeps out the dark dirt and mud, drains nicely and the finely crushed limestone helps inhibit parasites.
Best Regards,
Karen in western PA, USA
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Hi all!

Been a crazy time here the last 6 months or so, hope things start to even out some, but life does go on. Got to take a few pics today of some of the birds, here is one of Randy's Grandchicks, my one and only Wheaten, "Wheatie Pie". She is now 23 weeks old, and a real chunker with great shank/toe feathering! Sweet girl too. Looking forward to getting some more eggs from you in the spring, Randy! I needs me a roo! She looks a bit washed out in this pic, it was bright, but I love her coloring!

Randy, Did you get a lot of snow from hurricane Sandy? I was going to e-mail you, and then couldn't find your card...until today.
Hope you didn't get buried! Hope all of those folks on the east coast fared well also!
Your wheaten looks good.. my old roosters not doing well at all he can hardly stand up I'm going to let him die in peace with his girls because they're not laying any hen you have is probably the last of a good lineage. I have to roosters from this year's breeding ready to go in the pen . I will let you know when I get some more eggs to sell . I'm anxious to see how to test breeding goes with the new roosters. I haven't gotten any eggs in 3 weeks from 12 hens. so i will run artificial lighting in January and start breeding again . luckily we didn't get any snow. I'm located in the Panhandle near Maryland West Virginia Pennsylvania where they all meet and we got no snow yet. want me to go try to shoot a deer tomorrow morning with the Ar-10 (308 cal). with the price of beef I'm going to try to stock the fridge for a little while lol

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