Wheaten Shamo Hen. (Vallejo,CA). TAKEN


9 Years
Mar 30, 2012
CA- Bay Area

(In the Vallejo, CA area)

Ok, so I got a free chicken to add to my flock via the neighbor across the street.

They claimed the owner had passed away and this "sweet" egg laying hen needed a new home.

She has turned out to be a very aggressive bird. She will peck and attack my hand whenever I go into to replace the food/water.
I have tried the tap on the head. Holding the beak. Holding her down. All this does it make her angrier and more hostile.

She also does not get along with other birds. My guess is because she is from a "fighting breed" and also was housed alone her entire live with the previous owner.

If i cant find a home where she can live in a small "single hen coop" then she will be "processed" and fried up for dog treats.
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