Wheaten vs. Salmon Question


5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
General Ft. Worth Area, Tx
This may be in the wrong forum, if so sorry about that.
I did a search but couldn't find the answer to this. What is the difference between salmon color and wheaten color? I've never seen either color bird in person and it may just be due to my monitor's color settings but the pictures I have seen look very similar.
Wheaten is paler and more buff color in almost all birds labeled 'wheaten' that I've seen, and salmon is much darker, red not yellow in color. That said I've seen some paler birds labeled salmon too.

Best wishes.
I know what you mean, that breed was the exact example I was thinking of when I wrote that I'd seen some 'salmon' labeled birds looking far lighter than 'salmon' means in any other breed. However I believe in some breeds the males become blonde or white after puberty, but both genders start 'salmon' and the hens remain 'salmon' so that's what the breed is named for.

I think sometimes, too, they name them according to the type they wish they were, or are breeding towards, lol. It does seem wishful thinking sometimes when you see the poor quality types being labeled as belonging to this or that breed...

Best wishes.

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