

Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
I bought a flat of wheat grass for my chooks and ducks since they are still indoors and i wanted them to have some greens. I have been reading some info on it buyt cnt seem to find the answer I am looking for. Does this plant have longevity to it? Can I cut pices of it and will it grow back like regular grass or so I have to keep starting seedlings?

In a perfect world I would stick it under my grow lights with my other started seedlings and just "trim" as needed basically farming from this one flat, and then move the flat outdoors once the weather is nice. will this work?
Yes! You can do that! Mine even grows with the light it gets just sitting in my bay window. Other things are spindly and need a grow light, but the wheat grass does great there. It does go through a lot of water.

When I give it a trim, I usually don't make the pieces too long, since the chickens gobble it down, instead of nipping pieces of it. It's so soft I don't think I really HAVE to do it, but I do it anyway.

They really love it in the wintertime.

Edited to add that I am feeding it to adult chickens. For small chicks I would put it through a blender or food processor. For intermediate sized pullets, I would definitely still cut it into shorter pieces, not long strands. And I would be giving grit, also.

To harvest it when it's longer, I cut the long length while holding it as a clump. Then I snip it into the shorter pieces over their dish. I use a scissors for this.
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oh thank you I am glad a sunny window is all it needs and that this flat should last a long time.
I will cut into smaller pieces though since I have been giving it to them long.

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