wheezing hen


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 6, 2012
i just noticed one of my hens wheezing.she is about a year old.none of the others are wheezing.she is eating and drinking,but i want to catch this before they are all sick.any suggestions?
Immediately seperate and isolate her away from the others and watch for other symptoms such as; bubbles in eyes, head shaking, sneezing, gurgling, runny nostrils. Provide her feed and water, dont give her any meds yet. It could simply be an environmental issue such as; inhaling feed dust, pollen, ammonia fumes from soiled bedding etc...all of these can be corrected or eliminated.
Observe her for a few days and watch if the wheezing clears up. If not, an antibiotic might be needed or you can cull her.
would duramycin be the right one and do i give it to all my girls as a preventative? i will separate and watch her closely for a couple of days.thank you so much for your advice.
got her separated now,she sneezed a few times.no other symptoms so far.her appetite is good.thanks again
would duramycin be the right one and do i give it to all my girls as a preventative? i will separate and watch her closely for a couple of days.thank you so much for your advice.
Yes, you can use duramycin IF they show symptoms. Dont give it to them as a preventative. Only use it if absolutely necessary. FYI: Duramycin has a 3 week withdrawal period after last use. Just observe the seperated hen and the others for now and hope it's only an environmental problem and not respiratory that she has.
Check the wheezing hen for lice/mites and take a look at her feces for any abnormalties while you're at it.
will do.she isnt vocally wheezing today,but chest wheezing,if u know what i mean.still no runny nose.will keep a close eye on her the next few days.thanks again

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