Wheezing, Honking, and Sneezing


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2015
I have a 1 year-old EE that I noticed making a honking, wheezing noise this morning, along with frequent sneezing. She laid an egg yesterday, seems energetic, and is still a fast little booger that I could hardly catch to look down her throat. I didn't notice anything that looked abnormal. It has been extremely hot and humid where we live (as is every summer), and we have gotten some rain in the last few days. Could the humidity cause this? The coop is shut at night, but it is well-vented. Here she is making the sound:


My girl on a you tube video she had pneumonia.
I put her on a nebulizer with baytril water from the vet
I kept her inside out of the rain and she was cured.

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