When are they going to get hefty? ~Pictures~


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
Here is a pic of Moochie, around 9-10 months old.

See how she's got her chunk and feathers? I'd like to know when our reds (NHR) are going to be like that. The little ones are about 13 - 14 weeks old. Here's some pictures of the little ones. I'll try to get pics of Moochie, my NHR who's the same age as the mutt. When are their feathers going to become red? Like rich red, not this light color they already have... Or was the rancher mistaken about the breed? I'm not all too keen on NHRs, help me out?




Ah, I found another pic of Moochie. Well her head sticking out from the sleep place... When are they going to become as hefty and red as em'?
NHR will always be a lighter, orange/red with darker highlights. Your cross looks as if she might have some orpington blood. NHR will never appear that hefty.
Woah woah, she isn't a new hampshire red? I always thought she was :hmm The pics of NHR hens on Google looked just like her :O I am dumb. So they won't be hefty? :C
It isn't a bad chub though, they just make bigger eggs thats all.
Woah woah, she isn't a new hampshire red? I always thought she was :hmm The pics of NHR hens on Google looked just like her :O I am dumb. So they won't be hefty? :C
It isn't a bad chub though, they just make bigger eggs thats all.

"heft" or "chub" (which is with the exception meaty or good quality dual purpose almost always all feather) has nothing to do with the size egg they lay. Some of the skinniest hens out there will lay extra and extra extra large eggs. ISA Browns consistently lay huge, brown eggs and are a very skinny breed.
Yes, she is a hatchery quality NHR. She is the proper color and will never become the color or "heftiness" of your cross. You did ask if they would become a darker red. That's what I tried to indicate.
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There's 5 of them not just one "she". 4 girls and a cockerell...
But she's a production red and could possibly have orp but not totally sure. I didn't mean a hefty bird makes bigger eggs, I know it doesn't have anything to do with size of the bird. I was just saying my chubbies make larger eggs. I'm saying that their chub chub isn't bad, like they're not poor quality or ugly. Oh but they have such tasty feet :L
What is McMurry's? I'm guessing it's a hatchery... I don't get my chickens from hatcheries. No online things, plus I'd like to go to the (lets say rancher) and see what conditions their in and what not. I don't raise them from eggs either, I might hav eto next year though. Unless Daphne hatches them on her own...

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