When butchering Cornish is it normal....


5 Years
Mar 5, 2014
When you cut the jugular vein is it normal for them to poop? I've killed on a handful of times before and have never had one to poop in the process but the past two have pooped when I cut the neck.
The one I processed yesterday pooped, not sure when though. I wasn't expecting to process him so I hadn't fasted him beforehand.

I don't have enough experience to know if it's normal though.
Yes, they can poop during their death convulsions because of all their muscles contract so strongly. I usually do fast my birds for 12 hours prior but its not a steadfast rule for one that needs to be emergency butchered.
Okay! I'm sure that was a dumb question I thought to myself well of course they would wouldn't you? Lol I had just done a few a couple of weeks ago with no pooping and these did so it kinda threw me off which neither set had fasted before hand but from now on they will be fasting before getting butchered because that just wasn't pleasant! Thank you for the help!
The only dumb question is the question not asked :)

This site is for learning and most of us are more than happy to help. I prefer fasting them, just for the reason that it is more sanitary. My birds free range so they still have access to grass but at least that doesn't pass through them like their crumble feed.

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