When can baby chicks go outside

If you have a coop outside already just find a way to attach the heat lamp. I let my chicks and duckling outside when they were about 5-6 weeks, but I had the heat lamp inside their coop; just if they get to cold they can go by the lamp and huddle together. Since it is so cold where you live though, you may want to wait.
Thanks, I may just place a heat lamp in one area of the coop where they can go if they want to for this year. Next year they will be adults and wont need a heat lamp at all.
I started putting my chicks out as early as 3 weeks old for the day and brought them back to the brooder at night. During the day it would hover around the 30-40's and was windy. I put them out fully when they were 4 and a half weeks old. This was in early April.
I used to live in Kansas and I know the weather can be tricky...if you supply a heat lamp and put a wind block up to protect them from the great Kansas winds(lol) they should be fine.Make sure to put flake shaving down on the ground in the coop to help protect their feet from the cold, it also acts like an insulator to help keep them warm at night.
I have 4 Cornish cross chicks and I have had them 2 weeks. I don't know how old they were before I got them but they had a few feathers. They are very large and I am anxious to get them outside. They are in a large plastic tote in the house and no matter how I clean up after them, they smell. LOL I read the answers above and checked the chicks very closely they don't have any feathers on their heads yet. Well, the one I picked up doesn't and the others looked the same.

Yesterday, here in southern Missouri, it was almost hot but it turned cold and rainy overnight. I have a heat lamp in the coop but the adult hens have established their nest under it. I am not sure that they would welcome newcomers where their eggs are laid. I go out and get the eggs at least once a week. I only have 4 hens and one female duck. They all use the same nest.

So, would it be safe to put the chicks out and are they old enough? Sylvia
I am eager to know when my 3 week old chicks can go outside over night. I live in Cedar City Utah where the nights are still 30 degrees or less. I also have 1 Bronze Tom Turkey that is 1 week old. I am hope to not have to use a heat lamp as the coop and chicken yard are quite far from the house.
I'd also like to know when my chicks can go and live outside. It's coming into winter where I live and can get down to 30 degrees fahrenheit overnight and up to 60 degrees during the day. How old would they need to be to live in their coop without a heat lamp?

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