When can broody rejoin the flock!


5 Years
Jul 17, 2018
One of our silkies decided to brood and we let her. She hatched 4 babies of about 10 eggs she had gathered, and now for the past few days she no longer sits on the remaining eggs, and just walks around the pen. (We moved her, the chicks and the remaining eggs to a small secure pen in our garage) She did a fantastic job caring for the babies and we are wondering when she can re-join the flock? The babies are 10-15 days old and are thriving. What of the remaining eggs? There could be partly developed chicks in there. Hopefully not since she hasn’t sat on them for a while.
A week ago. Get her and her charges with the flock ASAP.
Wow, ok we will. I just walked out to check on her and now she’s sitting back on the eggs again. But I don’t think there’s any chance for any more getting hatched because she hasn’t been them much over the last few days. Thanks so much!!
They won't hatch unless it has been near 100F 24/7 since she has been off of them. If not, take them away. In nature, they won't sit on eggs more than a couple days after the first chicks hatch. It is the old adage 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'.
They need to care for what is alive. She will protect them from flock mates while they are vulnerable. The older the chicks are, the less she will intervene. Ideally raise the chicks and mother with the flock. By the time she weans them, they are accepted as flock mates.
They won't hatch unless it has been near 100F 24/7 since she has been off of them. If not, take them away. In nature, they won't sit on eggs more than a couple days after the first chicks hatch. It is the old adage 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'.
They need to care for what is alive. She will protect them from flock mates while they are vulnerable. The older the chicks are, the less she will intervene. Ideally raise the chicks and mother with the flock. By the time she weans them, they are accepted as flock mates.
Thanks very much. We will return mom to the flock but will keep the kids in their comfy pen till they are larger. Won’t trust our goose around those little ones. Great advice.
Mom and chicks can go together. But you will need to reintegrate her. Otherwise the others may attack her.
It is stressful for everyone if momma is removed from the flock to hatch a clutch.
Do the see but no touch integration with in the flock for a week or two.

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