when can I give my chicks yogurt?


Feb 28, 2018
i have 6 2 week old chicks that have had no treats yet. I have heard a lot about yogurt so i thought i would try that. Is there a certain kind? Will it be messy? and can i even give them yogurt at 2 weeks old. more info: i have grit in my house, but it's not in their brooder or available to them. They are eating dumor chick starter. They have pine shaving bedding.
Hope this background info helps!
If you want to give them yogurt plain is best. It will be messy. They don’t digest dairy very well so only a little for everyone to share. I might wait till there a little older just in case.
Apple, cucumber, tomato are all good treats. Again in moderation. They don’t need treats.
You should put some grit in with them too.
i have 6 2 week old chicks that have had no treats yet. I have heard a lot about yogurt so i thought i would try that. Is there a certain kind? Will it be messy? and can i even give them yogurt at 2 weeks old. more info: i have grit in my house, but it's not in their brooder or available to them. They are eating dumor chick starter. They have pine shaving bedding.
Hope this background info helps!
Welcome to BYC! I never give mine yogurt or any other dairy product.

Instead of giving yogurt, why not give avian probiotics instead. Many people recommend gro2MAX
Agreed with above posters. Yogurt is not the best treat for chicks. I give mine: fermented chick starter, unmedicated, scrambled eggs, a plug of sod from an untreated lawn, and Poultry Nutri-Drench. No other treats until they are foraging in the deep litter in the lower level of their grow out coop (around 3 weeks old). At that time, they are finding their own treats in the DL.

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