When can I integrate chicks with poults.


In the Brooder
May 7, 2017
About 3 weeks ago we bout 8 week old turkey poults(4) and 2 day old chicks(10h,1r). We want them to share a coop or at least a yard, probably free range the 1 acre.. when we move to our new house. At what age can I integrate them? The poults are already pretty interested.. it's been easily 90 degrees out so the chicks are getting yard time near our curent poult cage.


My chickens were about 4 months when I got 2 8 week old turkeys. I kept the turkeys in a dog kennel inside the coop for a while before letting them out with each other and never had a problem. Jake, my male turkey, is the alpha and will chase the rooster off when he gets annoying, but he's our guard dog. We have baby chicks now and he lets them run over his feet and shares food with them. Jenny, our female turkey, hatched her first poults today, although she chose to nest away from the coop. I prefer my turkeys over the chickens, but I haven't had any issues with them being together.

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