When can I move them out?


May 17, 2021
I have three week old Pekins. I live in Ontario, and our days are around 20° with Lows around 10. I’ve been putting my pair outside in the duck coop/run during the days but have been bringing them in at night with no heat lamp. They’re starting to pant in the house and I’m wondering if it’s time to let them stay out permanently. What is the best way to transition them? Do I just go out at dusk and put them in to their little coop? I want to offer the least amount of stress as possible for them. Thanks 😊
just put them out! hold them close and correctly. dont let them fly of your hand make them wait till its just a step down not a fly. make shure thety are safe and arent being pcked on by other birds. (if you have any adults)
That's why its important to have a place set up where they're safe from older birds. Even something like this:
would work (with far fewer and older birds, they're outside only cause it's warmer outside than inside and we lost power)
lol I assume you’re using Celsius, not Fahrenheit? Three weeks old seems a little young for those lows. How feathered out are they?

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