When can I switch from crumbles to pellets

Don't know why they tell you that. Maybe it's poor training of sales ppl. by a local feed rep. I've read several scientific studies that were suggested by members here. They all suggest that growing chicks can be harmed by too much calcium. They also all suggested that you start feeding layer feed when you see the first egg. It may not noticably affect the chicken but it may not be as healthy as possible. Don't throw the layer away, just keep it sealed and dry until it's needed. Please understand that ppl here aren't trying to be critical but wanting you to have the best info. possible. Good Luck
I do agree feed your babys chick starter.
at least until they begin laying their first egg. I also fed mine
when they
were 8 weeks old some cooked brown rice when I ran out of feed its good in a pinch,mixed with chopped hard boiled eggs.
But when is a chick old enough to go from crumble to pellet form? Pellets seem to be not as wasteful.

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