When can I toe punch?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
My chicks are a week old right now and Im wondering if I can still toe punch them? At what age should it not be done any more?
This might be a stupid question but...
What is Toe Punch?!


If 2 of us say it at about the same time, I guess it aint a stupid question. LOL!

I guess not!! I'm still trying to wait patiently for this answer!!

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You don't cut off a toe.... You cut the web between the toes.

Now, Havi. You can probably still toe punch them, i have seen someone toe punch full grown chickens so they could tell them from the others that resembled them, it just bled a little more is all. It's best to do it as soon as they hatch, or a few days later but a week old shouldn't hurt. Personally i don't like the toe punches, more difficult and i just use cuts through the web. Toe punches can heal up or split, splitting is a bad thing since i use cuts which then can leave the bird ending up being marked just like another bird.

I just use small scissors you'd use for trimming your nose hair, just a quick snip through the web and all is over. It usually happens too fast for the chicks to really register it and if done early enough, rarely bleeds.
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