When can I toe punch?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
My chicks are a week old right now and Im wondering if I can still toe punch them? At what age should it not be done any more?
I like to toe punch my chicks (16 combinations) when they come off the nest or out of the incubator. I hold off on the wing bands until the peeps are a few months old when it is easier to handle the bird and I don't have to be as careful. Since you will always loose a few chicks (if you hatch many) so you don't have as many bands to buy or band numbers to record. The toe mark also is recorded with the band number at that time. Do record the year of hatch because if you don't sooner or later all your records will become useless in a multi age flock if you don't use custom band numbers.

Also by holding off on the wing bands you can record whether the wing band number belongs to a male or to a female.

By clipping out the little flap of skin in a chicks nose (4 combinations) as well as toe punching (16 combinations) and by splitting the toe webs (16 more combinations) as well as toe punching and splitting the web (HELP my head is beginning to spin) you can expand the number of marking combinations from 16 with just a toe punch all the way to....
oh gee, I have never set down and done the chicken math on that but it is over 128 distinct marks.

By toe punching your chicks at one day old you can also better keep up with them and be sure none of the punched holes scabbed over or healed up. If it is scabbed over gently rub the scab on the toe web between your thumb and fore finger and the wee hole will appear and remain for life.

Hope this helps.
leg bands work too, and many people use them. But toe punching is permanent, quick, cost sufficient, and you don't have to worry about it falling off the leg and getting lost or breaking. All personal choice though, everyone raises their birds differently though and it's up to that person to decide what is moral and immoral.
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If 2 of us say it at about the same time, I guess it aint a stupid question. LOL!

I guess not!! I'm still trying to wait patiently for this answer!!

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