When can you tell if you have any roo's?

mom and dad
I've kept chickens for 12 years or so now, and recently ordered 10 pullets and 1 turned out to be a roo. The company said, there is only 90% accuracy in the all-pullet order, and that was true in our case. You've gotten plenty of advice here, but I want to add something else. A couple of the girls in our most recent order acted more boldly than the others, so if I had decided when they were all young that I would get rid of the "roos" early, I would have been tossing out a couple of girls as well. There is a range of behaviors in young chicks, and those behaviors can vary with breeds, so I strongly advise against using behavior to make any decisions. Also, there is a range of how early combs come in, and it's not always reliable. Wait until they are older and you can definitely tell.
I would guess #9 and #6 have good chance of being roosters.
No i take it back...looking at combs only, i would guess #3 and #4. What do you think?

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