When did your chickens start laying?


-Dogs are Gods way of saying your not alone-
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
I have 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Americauna and 1 light Brahma. One of my Americaunas started doing the squat 1 week ago. And my brahmas comb is pretty big. I was wondering when your chickens started laying.
I have 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Americauna and 1 light Brahma. One of my Americaunas started doing the squat 1 week ago. And my brahmas comb is pretty big. I was wondering when your chickens started laying.
My Easter eggers started laying around 4 months, and my Brahmas started at 4 months as well, but from what I hear brahmas start typically at 5 months.
I have 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Americauna and 1 light Brahma. One of my Americaunas started doing the squat 1 week ago. And my brahmas comb is pretty big. I was wondering when your chickens started laying.
My2 EE were 20 weeks. My SLW was 21 weeks. The earliest was my Marans at 17 weeks.
I got my blue americauna laying at 18 weeks . And then my Easter Egger started laying last week. This is week 20. I'm happy that they started laying.

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