When do Black-Shoulder males start growing in their darker plumage?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
I have two black-shoulder peafowl. They are about 9 months old. Both are mostly white with gray and brown mottling on their backs and necks. Does this mean they are both female, or does it take longer for the males to start growing in their darker adult plumage pattern? Thanks!
Oh wow... yeah, mine don't look anything like that link. One has a couple tiny glints of green on a few neck feathers but that's it.

At this point I'm thinking all 4 of the peachicks I purchased are female! I'll take some photos.
Time to get a peacock then!
It is better to have more females than males so at least you don't have all males.
Here is my adult Blackshoulder peahen for reference:

Here are the two Black-Shouldered:


The Blue India:


And one of these, don't know what variety, pied something-or-another?


Whaddaya think? All hens?
I'll be darned. I purchased four "peacocks" and didn't get a single one! LOL. Guess I'm in the market for a male.
Yep every now and then that happens to people. They get sold one thing and get the other. The worst example was when someone was sold peafowl eggs or chicks and ended up with turkey chicks!

I think you should be able to find a male. People usually have an extra male they need to sell and I figure several people should have a young peacock from the 2014 hatch that they haven't sold yet.

If you need any help finding breeders let us know.
For pity's sake!!! You "accidentally" got a silver pied????

For pity sake, you lucky lucky girl!!!!

And all girls! Most people have to buy a peacock in order to get a hen. I am jealous! Envy! envy!!!'

InU area at least, it is a bit hard to find a silver pied male and a female??? Well forget it! I want....
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