When do Call Ducks hatch


Hatching and Showing
13 Years
Oct 10, 2007
I have heard several different times

But, now I need to know..... when do Call Ducks hatch?

I found them very hard to hatch. All 8 were rocking on day 24. I ended up with 2. I would candle them and see if there is any movement and wait another day or so. It is such a hard call to make.
I did candle them just now. They looked fully developed, but I could not tell if there was any movement. Should I crack one and check
I waited until day 28 and had to help. I saw no movement and thought they were all dead. I saw on here that it depends on your temperature and humidity. This was my first hatch and my thermo was wrong so I do not think my temp was high as it should be. so took longer to incubate.
I threw it out.

So many variables. I am at a high altitude and tried to hatch shipped eggs. There is a thread on here posted by Sundown Waterfowl about Helping. Let me look it up
and get back to you.
Post is Assisting a Hatch - Duckling.

Please read this. I got ONE duckling and it would not have made it out if I did not help. Lost 3 others. When I opened them they were dead. Very sad. Next time I will know.

This post will tell you what to do.
Thank you all for the help/info/pictures.

I cracked them open:
One was only partly developed. The other was fully developed, but dead

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