When do embden geese lay eggs?

Here is one of my geese she has turned 1year old today and her babie hatched today. So for her birthday present she got a baby. So the mom and baby have the same birthday just different years.

Has everyone's Embden's started to lay? I have 2 ganders and 1 goose and have yet to find a goose egg. They will be a yr old here on May 5th so they are old enough. I live in northern New York, it's basically Canada so i'm not sure if they should be laying yet or not. I know that the Canada geese should be laying about this time. I know my geese are not wild Canada geese but figured that would be the best way to know is go by them. I have a nest with what I consider to be big eggs but they aren't that much bigger than duck eggs and I'm pretty sure my goose is too big to fit in the little space to get to where the nest is. I have a dog house in the run off the coop and lean a pallet over the front of it so that the ducks can get in and lay but the geese can't. Sort of to give the ducks there own little space where they will be able to sit on eggs and not have the geese terrorize them. How big are geese eggs compared to duck eggs? I have seen them mating so I know they are at least doing that just not sure when to expect eggs. I was pretty excited about getting goose eggs this yr and am disappointed I haven't gotten any yet. It's about 40-60 degree Fahrenheit here during the day right now and about 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit at night. I don't know if that is still to cold or if she just isn't going to lay for me this year.
Hi Ducklover,
I am in the UK, so it's different I suspect, but Yvonne, my Embden, has laid about 19-20 eggs so far this year and is now sitting on 5. We tok the first ones away as we had got no intention of letting her hatch any as we only got them in the middle of February and whilst we have had chooks forever, wanted to make sure they fit in ok. Anyway, they have and we love them so we are taking the plunge and going for babies!!
There is a huge difference between goose and duck eggs. Goose eggs have got a different texture to the shell than other eggs. They look a bit chalky, are very white and they are heavy too. Mine weigh over 200 grams if that helps :D
I have 2 embden geese the female laid 4 eggs in a nest and one soft one in the yard, she went into the nest last night and broke 3 eggs and this morning there is one hiding in the hay, and she is not laying on it today, she did last night can anyone know what is going on, since this is the first time I have had geese.
I have 2 embden geese the female laid 4 eggs in a nest and one soft one in the yard, she went into the nest last night and broke 3 eggs and this morning there is one hiding in the hay, and she is not laying on it today, she did last night can anyone know what is going on, since this is the first time I have had geese.
Sounds like she isn't ready to sit yet. They have a certain number of eggs they lay before they are satisfied and get into the broody mode. As far as why she broke the eggs how do you think she did that, my gooses eggs are very hard shelled and she'd probably have to use a hammer to break one. Do you think they were soft shell eggs. If your goose is young and this is her first time to lay, she may not feel the urge to sit until next spring. When it's actually the normal time for geese to lay and brood.

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could I get help on sexing these. I was told 1 gander and 3 geese
the males sound more like of chuckle .. And the female sounds more like a hahaha sound . males are always MORE aggressive than female. If they're sticking their neck out at you and about to CHARGE! then you'll know if it's a male .. Females are not going to charge at unless they have babies ..... Then they want to kill you !! Lol

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