When do hens go broody?

Typically at the worst possible moment.

My broody was a late spring broody. This year she liked raising chicks so much that she was 2.5 months start of broody to being broody again. 7-7.5 weeks weaned last batch, 3 weeks of doubling her body weight just to begin again. (6/2 first broody 6/5 shoved 5 chicks under her. 8/27 back broody again 8/28 shoved 12 chicks under her)
What times of year do hens go broody?
It can happen any time of year, although in almost all instances the hen must be in lay first. Birds are high producers year round are less prone to going broody. Breeds that are prone to go broody will typically do so after producing only a dozen eggs or so plus or minus. Younger hens tend to be on the plus side of that spectrum and older hens on the minus. My game hens are most likely to go broody early in the laying season, especially mature hens. Hen in their first season of lay are most likely to go broody later in the season as well with some even doing so during late fall and early winter. Birds I have that are less inclined to go broody are more apt to do so when older and later in the production season when compared to their younger selves.

Otherwise no hard and fast rules.
Thank you all for the replies. My 3.5y/o EE mixed with something else has been hanging out in the box a ton recently and screams at me when I look at her. She still roosts at night and isn’t actually sitting on any eggs lol. I was just curious if there was a set time of year they go broody.
Thank you all for the replies. My 3.5y/o EE mixed with something else has been hanging out in the box a ton recently and screams at me when I look at her. She still roosts at night and isn’t actually sitting on any eggs lol. I was just curious if there was a set time of year they go broody.
She be trying to keep you from laying eggs in her nest / cuckolding her.
Thank you all for the replies. My 3.5y/o EE mixed with something else has been hanging out in the box a ton recently and screams at me when I look at her. She still roosts at night and isn’t actually sitting on any eggs lol. I was just curious if there was a set time of year they go broody.
Is she still laying?
She may be having difficulties laying as she ramps down production for molting and winter break.

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