when do i put chicks in the coop ?

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You can put them in when they are all feathered out. Usually after 60 days. You will need to lock them inside the coop for about a week of two so they will know where to come back to once you start letting them out.
i have : 4rhode island reds,1 barred rock, 2 red stars ,2 australops, and 1 white chicken i dont know what she is and i thought you should put them in at 6 weeks and its a 4 by 4 chicken coop. and i might make a chicken tractor
They are still young and if not feathered enough, depending on your weather they may chill if it gets to cold. Unless there is some way you can put a heat source in you coop. Plus if possible you may need to expand your coop once they get older. The norm is 2 square feet of living space per bird if you plan on having them all in the same coop.

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