When do I put in Nesting boxes?


11 Years
Mar 2, 2013
Davie, Fl
Ok, I am working on my new coop now, and getting ready to get the Silkies outside. Should I put the nesting boxes in now? Or should I wait till later. They are only 6 weeks to 8 weeks old. TIA
I am actually needing the same question answered! I figured since they will be little, they won't need them until they get bigger but I am just getting started with my chickens!
Me too, just getting started. I think I've got the chicken bug. Started with Silkies, then picked up 20 more variety chicks on Saturday. I have truly lost my mind... I am waiting to close on a house with acreage. But for now I am in an HOA neighborhood. Yikes!
Haha! I definitely have the chicken bug! Maybe just an animal bug! I ordered 15 Barred Rocks and fell in love with Silkies so I got 7 of them.... and tons of other animals! We live on a little over an acre but my husband wants it for a yard and I just want it all for my animals! Lol
Ok, I am working on my new coop now, and getting ready to get the Silkies outside. Should I put the nesting boxes in now? Or should I wait till later. They are only 6 weeks to 8 weeks old. TIA
I would go ahead and put them in now. Much easier and cleaner to build or add without chickens already in the coop. Some people block them off before they are ready to lay but I have never done that. My chickens panic a little bit when I am out pounding or drilling something in the coop.


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