When do Rouen lay?

They may just wait till days begin to get longer again. Laying depends on daylight and they usually need at least 14 hrs. I have 3 young females that haven't started yet either. I will not add light I will give them plenty of time to mature. So lets just wait soon a winter solstice happens we'll be heading in the right direction. As for nesting mine just make nests in their deep shavings.
Yes the last two days have been bitter cold like 12 degrees so winter is upon us here , she may wait and I’m not adding light either
She has begun flirting with the drakes it’s so cute they stare at eachother and both bob their heads up and down lol
My drake and females are doing the same but I haven’t seen him breed any of the 3 yet. He is gorgeous with his gorgeous coloring and double drake feather.
Ohhh my gosh he’s beautiful!!!!
You’ve seen mine a lot lol remember I was the great debate of runners or not lol but those are drakes my girls are Rouen
Wait till she has her big molt and wing feathers fall out, then once they start growing back in wrap. It may fix it or make it better. Another member did this an it helped a lot.

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