When do Speckled Sussex begin to lay eggs?

this is Susie my speckled Sussex. Biggest comb of the group 16 weeks and 2 days. The rest are just barely coming in. Is this truly a sign???
Yes. I have 2 Colombian Rocks. The 1st one is laying an egg for 3 days in a row. Has been squating for the past 2 weeks. Got her comb and wattles in first out of the bunch. My 4 speckled Sussex have flesh colored/ pale pink comb and wattles and havent really changed much. They are all 20 weeks on Sept 9th.
I have two speckled sussex the same age, I have two Rhode Island Reds. All the chickens are close to the same age around 22 weeks . One speckled sussex started laying two weeks ago the other one is bigger and fatter but her face and comb are not bright red yet. The Rhodies faces and combs are bright red but still not laying .. I only have one little lady paying rent so far. 2 days ago we butchered one RI because she was eating the eggs from the sussex and raiding the nests and tearing them up looking for eggs to eat.. my sussex decided not to lay in the nest anymore but on the ground, which didn't help because the Red would attack it as soon as she laid her egg. tried the golf ball thing didn't work, tried the egg shell filled with hot sauce didn't work .. but the chopping block worked. Now my little hen is laying eggs every day happily in her nest again. If you don't get the egg eater quickly, soon they will all be eating eggs.
I have two SS that are now six months old. I've been told, by the people I got them from, a way to see if they're getting close to laying. Check the spacing between their pelvic bones. Feel just under their vent; if the bones are very close together, they've got a while to go. If there's at least two fingers width or so, then it shouldn't be too long to wait. :)
I think my little Iris might be starting to reach maturity. Her face as of today really, is flushing red, and her wattles look a little bigger. She's about 4 months, still has her baby voice though. She's got a lot more growing to do though. How long does it take until you have about 3 kilos of mischief following you around?
Two Sussex - neither of which lay in their nests but outside. Friendly birds, but dumber than a doorknob. Calm, friendly and they will follow you around but are not quick on the uptake where NOT to go. Wander off quite often from the rest of the flock. Lay outside the henhouse.
Usually, pullets/hens will begin laying when the Rooster starts paying attention to them. 6 -7 months - most of my birds have begun to lay. Most of them in the nests.
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Mine stared to lay at exactly 19 weeks, I found her outside nest with 3 eggs, kept them in coop til late afternoon the next day, she laid in nest box and the next two days free ranging she went directly back to nest boxes to lay. Oh and on day 5 (today) she gave me her first large egg!!
Yes, you have that right. Free-ranging has its drawbacks. I had to shut the henhouse up until 3:00 for a few days, and only then letting them out.
A few small 'cannonball' (local) stones and golfballs encouraged the idea. Was shocked, some of the hens moved the small rock into the egglaying clutch.
After a few days of this, the hens began laying in the nest - ground laying occurred even in the barn.
The Speckled Sussex may be on a different/later cycle.
Mine began laying as soon as the others did, but they were the first to STOP laying. Ameraucana are still producing well.
Thought SS were good Winter bearing chickens. They also seem to be prone to laying in wild nests rather than in the coop.
Does anyone out there have speckled sussex hens? Can you tell me when they started to lay?
I have speckled Sussex. They were supposed to start laying in March at 6 months old but they started almost 1.5-2 months earlier.

I'm not sure if all of them are laying but I just read that they lay 4-5 large eggs a week.
Mine are only laying small eggs with an occasional "oh that had to have hurt" egg.

They are 7 months old now.

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