When do you count the first full day when incubating?


7 Years
Jul 10, 2013
Sheffield UK
I'm confused, if I put my eggs in on a Monday morning, do I start counting the days from Tuesday morning, which would be 24hours since they've been in the incubator, which would mean they're due to hatch on a Tuesday in 3 weeks time, or a Monday?
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Don't overthink this. A day is 24 hours. Tuesday would be day 1. An easier way to remember this is, if you set your eggs on a Monday, your chicks should start hatching on a Monday. BUT - the 21 days is a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. They could start hatching as early as Saturday, or they could wait until Tuesday. Happy hatching!
Haha okay thank you, I started getting confused when reading different peoples views! Okay just a quick question too, that 101-102F is the best temp, this right?

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