When do your chickens go into their coop for the night?


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
When it is totally dark? just at sunset? It's day 2 of the new pullets in the new coop and I had them inside all night and all day today, opened the coop up in the afternoon. THey didn't come out at all even with treat enticement until nightfall--about an hour before dark. I had to put them back in the coop because they were so active in the run they didn't want to go to bed! THen they were all complaining for a while in the henhouse after that. lots of peeps of frustration!
Starting about an hour before dark, mine will start filtering in by age, attitude, and roosting spot. Those that want a top roost go in first, except the older gals. When they hed up anyone in the way moves or gets pulled off.

By dusk the houses are full.

New birds can take a few days to get the idea. You may have to walk them in and set them on their roosts until they learn.

I was outside with mine late this afternoon and watched each chicken go into the coop right as it turned dark outside... not a minute earlier. It was as if they were trying to get every second they could enjoy of being outdoors. The weather was awesome today... but rain in the forecast
At dusk. They don't let it get dark. It's very cute how they put themselves to bed. And all the fluffing, fussing and squaking that happens as they jockey for position.
maybe they were so jazzed about being out after being inside all day they didn't want to go to bed. I think they have calmed down now. I'm hoping they learn to roost and I can take the food and water out soon. It's kinda cramped in there and as they grow I know it'll be too snug.
All this stuff is instinct for them, isn't it? going in at dark, roosting high up, etc, right? I tend to overthink and worry about these things, and I can see myself getting anxious that they'll just *never* get this night-time or roosting thing...
HAHA - you sound like me last year. They really do figure it out pretty quickly if you let them. I don't know how many evenings we wasted chasing ours down to put them away -then one one night we just decided to wait and see what they did on their own...

You guessed it, they marched their little fuzzy butts right into the coop at dusk. We trust their instincts better now, but I still worry now and then.

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