When does it end?

I am just now getting the incubation fever... I am about to get an incubator of my own, and can have practically unlimited chickens.... WOO HOO!!!!! The disease has begun........
What do ya'll do with all those chickens? I really want to start incubating/hatching too but what would I do with all the extras? My coop is at limit now and although they free range in the yard for 9 hours a day, basically only using the coop for sleep and laying eggs, I will have when all are full grown-15 hens and 10 bantams. Coop is A-frame style 64 sq ft. and 24 feet of roosting with option to add more. 6 nesting boxes, and currently a "mini" coop for younger new additions to have a safe place to sleep or hide if needed! Which we plan on pulling out soon, once these last chicks in the brooder are outside and hold their own. I want to watch the process and witness the miracle of these little birds breaking out of their shells, instinctively knowing what to do and taking care of them and watching them grow. And, some of the breeds I want you can't just go to the feed store a pick up a few! Anyway, my DH talked me out getting incubator last night, for fear of overcrowding and that I won't be able to sell the extras. Needless to say, I am bummed out today.

here's a couple pics of my new coop just for fun.



Pssssst! Get the Brinsea MiniAdvance - it ONLY holds 7 eggs! Or the R-COM, which only holds THREE eggs!
Convince your DH that any eggs you get probably won't hatch, anyway.... it's just an experiment, and if any DO hatch, it's not going overboard.
It doesn't do anything that my Dickey doesn't do with about thirty times more eggs. Mine has an excellent electronic thermostat, but it's only prudent to check it several times a day when the house is given to large temperature/humidity swings and the reservoir will only hold just so much water. I could put the big reservoir on it but I don't like keeping five gallons of water on top in case of accidents. We've got to open the box occasionally to candle anyway so that's when I refill it.

I was mostly speaking facetiously because there really isn't much to do for the thing while it's running, but like many other people hatching their own I've just got to look at the readouts ten times a day...

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