When is it acceptable to put eggs in the incubator?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 18, 2013
Rhode Island
I've been collecting my quail eggs to put in my incubator all at once, I've been collecting them and letting them rest in 60F room with bottoms up. I have not been turning the eggs though... Are they still good for the incubator?
when your saving your eggs if you can you need to flip them once a day twice a day if you have time so the egg does not get stuck to the side of egg. and they say if you save them more then 10 day the hatch rate goes down.
They can be saved for up to 10 days. I don't set them until they day after they are laid.So any time between day 1 and day 10 is fine. Hatchability drops off after ten days.

55-60 degrees with about 40-50% humidity is best for storage, turn them once a day while storing for optimum results. Always store them pointy end down.
The first hatch I did I marked the day collected 1-10 for the day collected. 1-3 only had 1 hatch. 4-10 had much higher hatch rate.
I only store eggs 3 days, viability begins to slightly fall after that.

I can't remember which university had some research that showed viability could be extended by

storing eggs in polyethylene bags.

Thats too much trouble, 3 days for me and mine.

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