When is it time to switch to layer feed?


Question when feeding the layer food for hen is that also good for roosters to eat too? Thanks

Question when feeding the layer food for hen is that also good for roosters to eat too? Thanks
That's a very good question. Breeders who keep their roosters separate feed them flock raiser or some other formula, but not layer. People have, however, been keeping their roosters in with their hens and feeding them layer feed all their life for a long time. I've never seen anything scientific that indicates this causes them any harm, or that it doesn't, either. In other word, I don't know, and I suspect no one does.

I haven't read that whole article I linked above. Maybe there is some hint in there, one way or the other.

Question when feeding the layer food for hen is that also good for roosters to eat too? Thanks
I don't feed any Non-Laying fowl a layer type food. Non-Laying fowl is chicks, growing birds, roosters and hen that are not laying do to season, molt etc. Hens that are laying have a way to expel extra calcium out of there diet, they put that extra calcium into there eggs. Now a Non-Laying fowl can't expel extra calcium into a egg so it gets processed in the kidneys and this processing can cause kidney damage over time.

A lot of breeders I'v talked to feed either a Non-Medicated Starter or a Starter Grower to all the birds and just supplement Calcium in the breeding pen.
Some feed a Non-Medicated Starter or a Starter Grower to all Non-Laying birds and then switch to a Layer-Breeder feed when hens are laying and when birds are in the breeding pen. The Layer-Breeder has a lower Calcium amount than a typical Layer feed and it doesn't do as much harm to the roosters since they are only on it for the breeding season.
I have only 2 hens and a bunch of roosters. When it is time to start the layer feed, do the roosters eat that too? If not, how do you keep them from eating it?
you eat them.

Right on!

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