when it's all over

I plan on having a coop and run set up for my layers, and when a layer passes its prime It'll be taken from the layer coop and allowed to free range with the pet chickens. if things get too crowded or if the hen is particularly juicy looking maybe she'll end up stewed.
Thanks for all the replies, everyone, they're great. Especially the weeding/pest control reply; I hadn't thought of that.
I got my hens with the intent of having pets with benefits, so they have a home here for as long as they live.

The maximum lifespan of a domestic chicken is 25 years according to the farmers almanac.
Me, I got into it for the eggs. Then I got to know the little buggers... Alas! Maybe my husband's right and we shouldn't get any cows because I'd probably name them, too. THEN we'd be stuck.

Not only are the girls good for weed control and fertilizing the lawns, but they're also fantastic entertainment. My Marsala is quite the pet; I'll really miss her when she moves on.
Like NCcatnip I have mine for a number of reasons:

The first is for help in the garden. They have done a great job on the grasshoppers and cutworms I had in the garden. I love the way they work the soil under the fruit trees.

The second is eggs and to not support the battery hen operations.

and the third is that I love to see their little beaky faces in the morning, in the evening and anytime I call them. Really they give me enormous pleasure when I see them walking around the yard. I can't help but smile when they come running across the lawn. Needless to say, I hope that mine die from contented old age. OK maybe I should move my last reason to the first . .

maybe one way to think about it is that after laying so many eggs for multiple years that they've earned a chicken pension. i think that's reasonable right?
seems a little cold to stew 'em up after they worked so hard for ya . . .
i say keep them as pets and just enjoy their adorable chickeness

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