When permethrin won't work..


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 16, 2018
FoCo, Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
I have a broody hen and 6 chicks (there were 8 but 2 died) and MITES. Since two chicks had died I decided to give broody and the remaining chicks ivermectin as a quick ditch effort. I got rid of all the bedding and I did put new mats in the lay boxes after I doused them with the permethrin. I have not replace the bedding yet. I started with DE, and obviously I know a lot of people are against it but I had it on hand so I used it. I also had the permethrin on hand so I diluted it as per the instructions and it didn't seem to be doing anything, so then I diluted it less and it doesn't seem to be eradicating the problem either. I believe they are northern fowl mites because they are out during the day and they are a grey color. I am finding them all over the outside of the nest boxes, not on the eggs from the other chickens anymore but I'm pretty sure my broody and the temp drop in CA has exacerbated the problem. I am really not trying to buy Elector but I think it might be time. My broody girl has a very light comb and wattles so im wondering if she's becoming anemic but she doesn't have any patches of feathers missing and her feathers aren't dark and nasty like in the pictures I've seen. I checked her vent as much as I could without stressing her and the chicks too much and I can see a few mites running around but no eggs, but maybe I'm checking the wrong areas? I just need an idea of what to do next or something. My broody and the chicks have been out of the nest for 3 days. But obviously go back in at night time. Maybe I just need to wait it out?
How long ago did you treat everything? Did you do ivermectin once? I haven't had such an infestation of mites, but IME you do have to treat them with a course of ivermectin -- dose once, then again in 7 days or 10 days, depending on the parasite, and I've heard of people doing one more dose, also, just to make sure you get everything that has hatched since the initial doses.

I can't speak to the permethrin not working/buying Elector SP (crap that stuff is $$$) but you might also try bathing your chickens and then dusting them thoroughly with permethrin poultry dust, and also dusting your coop and bedding after spraying again.

Since your hen looks poorly, could you move them out of the coop while you super-treat everything?
Try increasing to 6.7 ounces 10% permethrin per gallon of water for the coop spray.
What brand of permethrin are you using, and how are you diluting it?
I'm using Martins 10% and I used 1/2oz to 24 oz water .
How long ago did you treat everything? Did you do ivermectin once?
Since your hen looks poorly, could you move them out of the coop while you super-treat everything?
I treated them with the ivermectin on Tuesday after I found the one dead chick and the one sickly one that ended up dieing. Thats when i also took the bedding out and treated with the permethrin. I've been spraying it daily since then. And I can't move them cause it's my only coop and I don't have any other housing for them. Plus the ladies that roost don't seem to have a problem or at least not at the rate my broody does.
Try increasing to 6.7 ounces 10% permethrin per gallon of water for the coop spray.
View attachment 1539469
I will try that one. My directions say the 8oz to 6.25gal but with no directions for a severe or initial cleanup dilution.
You have to remove all the bedding from the coop and nest boxes and spray inside the coop and nest boxes in order for permethrin to wipe out the mites.
When it comes to chicks, I prefer dusting them rather getting them wet.
If the permethrin doesnt work, switch to liquid sevin to spray inside the coop, and use sevin dust on your chicks and hens.
Ivermectin has been showing resistance to northern fowl mites according to Parasitepedia. I wouldnt use ivermectin on chicks neither.

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